The Rockland Education Foundation was founded in 1996 by Scott MacKinlay, Dick Phelps and Gus Lordi with initial financial contributions from friends and local businesses. Scott was the principal of Rockland High School for many years, and after his retirement, he wanted to create an organization that would provide funds for educators who went above and beyond to bring innovative programs to the students in the Rockland Public Schools. Since its inception, the Foundation has awarded more than $900,000 in grants to Rockland educators and has established an endowment fund of approximately $300,000 that will ensure that the Foundation’s mission will continue for many years to come. It is truly amazing how one man’s vision could grow into what the Rockland Education Foundation has become today! For those of us who have had the great privilege to know Scott personally over the years, nothing that he accomplishes is a surprise. When Scott becomes passionate about an issue, only good things happen!
To recognize Scott’s outstanding leadership over the past two decades, the Foundation’s Board of Directors created the A. Scott MacKinlay Impact Grant in 2016 to be awarded annually in the amount of $10,000. The grants committee follows the guidelines that have been set forth previously in awarding all grants, but proposals for projects having a “wow factor” that will have a “major impact” on the educational experiences of a large number of Rockland students will be viewed most favorably for this grant. Individual teachers and administrators, groups of educators, or an entire school may submit applications.